From the angle of modern physiological anatomy, physical basis of Jiaji acupoint, petrosal part, nerve stem and head acupuncture therapy were provided. 从现代生理解剖学角度,提供夹脊穴、锥体区、神经干、头针治疗的生理基础。
Studies on Drought Resistance Physiological Characters and Anatomy of Different Mung Bean Mutants 不同绿豆突变体的抗旱生理特性和形态解剖学研究
Methods Eighteen cases with acute haematogenous osteomyelitis in infants were analysed and grouped based on the differences of X-ray finding and physiological anatomy and the pathological changes. 方法通过分析18例婴儿急性血源性骨髓炎在临床及X线表现的不同将其分型,并从生理解剖学特点和病理变化的角度加以探讨。
From the perspective of physiological anatomy, consciously and unconsciously select their own female director used in martial art and drills. 从生理解剖学角度出发,女性自觉、不自觉的选取自身所长用于武术的技击与演练中。
Physiological and morphological features, e.g. phenology, photosynthetic pigments, morphology and leaf anatomy, of the species and varieties were observed and analyzed, in order to provide a scientific basis for identification of Taxodium varieties. 本文以落羽杉属种及杂种为实验材料,通过物候、光合色素、形态特征和叶片解剖结构对种及品种的生理和形态特征进行了观察和分析,为落羽杉属品种鉴定提供了科学依据。
It is believed that various reasons cause the disease in modern medicine. Disease pathogens is the external factors of pneumonia, and their physiological anatomy and immune dysfunction or disorder is the main underlying causes of disease. 现代医学认为小儿肺炎是多种因素综合作用的结果,致病病原体是肺炎发病的外在因素,自身的生理解剖和免疫功能低下或紊乱是发病的主要内在原因。